0731-2705156, 0731-2705058, +91 7024154321 info@rkeyecenter.com

Experience a whole new level of LASIK

Laser Blade Free LASIK Spectacle Removal

Premium IOL Implantation

Advanced Corneal Transplantation

Occupational Dry Eye Lab

Specialized treatment for Computer Vision syndrome

MIVS Advanced Retinal Surgery

All Superspecialities under one roof

Every Eye deserves the best


What can I expect during my checkup at RK Eye ?
  • Priority is given to patients who come via appointment
  • Registration at the reception
Why are spectacles needed?

If the image in the eye is formed in front {myopia or near sightedness}; behind the Retina (hypermetropia or far sightedness) or image is stretched between two locations {Astigmatism} then to see clearly we need correction of refractive error. Commonly spects are used.

What are the alternatives for correction of refractive errors?

LASIK, PRK, R.K.{Radial Keratotomy} , A.K.{Astigmatic Keratotomy} , Clear Lens Extraction , Phakic IOL , Spects , Contact Lens , INTACS{Corneal Rings},LTK {Laser Thermo Keratoplasty}, CK {Conductive Keratoplasty} , ALK{Automated Lamellar Keratoplasty}.In some people, contact lens can cause frequent redness and itching. Removal of this problem requires changing them from time to time.

What is R.K.?

R.K.-Radial Keratotomy- To correct myopia, radial cuts are made in cornea around the pupil. This flattens the cornea, thereby nullifying the myopic effect.

What is P.R.K.?

P.R.K.-Photo Refractive Keratotomy-It uses excimer laser to flatten the cornea. However it works best only for small power less than -4.00 D. It also has the attendant lacuna of eliminating some protective layers of the cornea permanently. So sometimes there is scar and sometimes power reverses back {regression}. Painful post operative days with scaring and reversal are a troubling impediment.

What is LASIK?

LASIK-Laser Assisted In-site Keratomileusis-Laser ablation in the middle of the tissue of cornea. This makes it superior, safer and predictable compared to P.R.K. Superficial protective layers are not eliminated. There is no pain after procedure. Correction is stable without scaring. If you decide to go ahead with LASIK, you will first be assessed for suitability.

Why stop wearing Contact Lenses before LASIK?

If you wear contact lenses, it is a good idea to stop wearing them before your baseline evaluation and switch to wearing your glasses full-time. Contact lenses may change the shape of your cornea for up to several weeks after you have stopped using them depending on the type of contact lenses you wear. Not leaving your contact lenses out long enough for your cornea to assume its natural shape before surgery can have negative consequences. These consequences include inaccurate measurements and a poor surgical plan, resulting in poor vision after surgery. These measurements, which determine how much corneal tissue to remove, may need to be repeated at least a week after your initial evaluation and before surgery to make sure they have not changed, especially if you wear RGP or hard lenses.

How is LASIK done?

Superficial 1/3rd of corneal flap is raised {not removed} with the help of microkeratome to give laser treatment on the middle of cornea. Amount of treatment is fully guided and calculated by computer.

What are the benefits of LASIK?

The advantages of LASIK are, Quick procedure – 8 seconds per Diopter, Brief recovery time, No pain during or after procedure , All corneal layers remain preserved, widest range of correction.

Who should go for LASIK?

If you decide to go ahead with LASIK, you will first be assessed for suitability. Good stable vision with specs in the healthy eye of an adult is a pre-requisite. If the vision with spects is not good then there must be some other associated problems in lens or retina nerves etc. This can not be corrected by LASIK. So improvement after LASIK will not be perfect. Moreover eyes should not be suffering from recurrent redness & watering due to infection or recurrent inflammation. Certain auto immune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis is Contraindicated Glaucoma, Herpese and Diabetese render LASIK impossible for your eye. One year before and after the delivery date should be avoided for LASIK surgery. However, the final evaluation is the forte of the doctor alone and it includes complete history and examination with the help of automated refraction, keratometry, intra ocular pressure measurement, pachymetry, topography and retinal assessments.

What is the cost of the procedure?

It is the high tech procedure, requiring very costly equipments and costly consumables like blade and gas, apart from huge maintenance cost of the laser room. It varies from center to center, which can be asked. There has always been trade-offs between price war and the cost of quality. So one must resist the predisposition towards the latter and go for the best for a healthy eye is the window to the soul and let not the latter affect it detrimentally. Since the choice to go for it is not mandatory but entirely optional, one should not choose simply any center attracted by the lure of low fee.

What one should expect from LASIK?

The primary objective behind LASIK is to achieve working vision with decreased dependence on specs. Refractive error keeps changing throughout life but distance vision remains almost stable (almost) between the 18th year and 50th year of age. Therefore once corrected with LASIK the vision correction is almost always permanent.

What are the precautions before surgery?

No creams, makeup and perfumes.
Clean face and eye lashes well.
Someone must assist you during the surgery.

How much candidate co-operation is required during surgery?

It is a comfortable and brief procedure. Eye drops are placed in your eye to clean it and make it painless. Lid speculum is used to keep open the eye lids. During the procedure you have to look into red blinking light. A suction ring is placed over cornea. When it becomes full, light will be very faintly visible until released. Within one to two minutes time interval the job will be done. No bandage, no injection and no stay is required.

What is the long term result?

Excimer laser surgery was first performed in 1988. LASIK is a more accurate variation from ALK, which has been performed for over 25 years, and has been proven safe in long-term studies. Extensive testing has been performed around the world by many different sources and it is now firmly entrenched within the medical arena that there are no long-term health problems to the eye from these procedures.

What if I move during the procedure?

Patients usually worry about their head or eye movements. It will be ideal if you can fix them to the blinking light but even if you move them the eye tracker will track you. Blinking will not be problem ergo because of lid speculum. Note: However, some patients will have to wear a contact lens overnight to promote healing.

If I don't get full correction, will I be able to repeat operation?

Yes, re-operation can be done for any significant under or over correction. “Touch-up” procedures are extremely quick and easy, and there are no additional charges.

How safe is the procedure?

When performed at the right centre, LASIK treatments are extremely safe. Like any laser or surgical procedure, these treatments are subject to complications, but the complication rate is very low. Most complications can be corrected through eye drops or surgical procedure.

Our laser is calibrated before every single procedure to ensure the most accurate results, whereas many laser centers only calibrate the laser every six patients, or even just once per day. We monitor and control the temperature and humidity in our laser room, which improves the accuracy of our results.

One of the more important steps to avoid complication is in the rigorous testing of our patients. After the brief initial screening exam and prior to undergoing a procedure at the LASIK Center, we will perform a most thorough evaluation; some important measurements will be performed two or more times, and will be further repeated if necessary. Few patients will experience optical aberrations during the initial healing phases, including glare, halos at night, or ghost images. In 99% of cases, this will disappear in few weeks.

FAQ (Retina Related)

What is the function of the retina?

The retina is a thin layer of tissue that acts much like film in a camera. It captures light rays and sends them to the brain for processing.

What is the vitreous?

The vitreous is a gel-like substance that fills the center of the eye. It makes up about two-thirds of the eye’s volume.

What is the macula?

The macula is a specialized area of the retina that enables us to see details in the center of our vision. It allows us to recognize faces, read, and watch TV.

How do I know if I have macular degeneration?

Many patients with macular degeneration experience a loss of central vision, have difficulty reading or seeing detail, or experience distorted vision. Since the aging process can cause macular degeneration, it is important that people over 50 obtain routine exams from eye doctors to test for this condition.

Is there a cure for macular degeneration?

Unfortunately, there is not yet a cure for this condition. However, patients with wet age related macular degeneration can receive a relatively new drug treatment called MACUGEN®. If you undergo this therapy, our eye doctors will inject medication into your eye every six weeks to slow vision loss and possibly restore some lost vision. Other treatment options for macular degeneration include laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy, and vitamin supplements.

What are the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy?

Some common signs of this condition are blurred vision, floaters and flashes, and sudden vision loss. However, diabetic retinopathy can cause various other eye symptoms as well. If you are diabetic and are experiencing any type of eye problem, you should visit an eye doctor right away.

What causes eye floaters?

Eye floaters occur when tiny bits of vitreous gel or cells cast shadows on the retina. The floaters are usually a result of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), a common condition that occurs when the vitreous separates from the back of the eye. PVD is often a result of the aging process and is usually harmless.

Sometimes, eye floaters can be a sign of a serious problem such as a retinal tear, retinal detachment, hemorrhage, or eye injury. If you are experiencing floaters, feel free to contact us.

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